There's never seems to be a peaceful minute in Downton lately. If it's not a lady's maid trying to seduce her way into the family, then it's the imminent threat of selling off land that continues to haunt the residents. The disloyalty among the staff is strategically taken care of, we learn of more deceptive behavior. It seems Thomas is up to his old tricks and once Edna's dismissed he brings in someone so he can still have an ear within the Grantham's chambers. While Mr. Branson continues to question whether he belongs there at Downton or not. I believe that Mr. Grantham's generosity with a local farmer may persuade him that he does belong there. Although, he might not feel like the only outsider - the young Rose is seems to always make choices that do not follow the Downton etiquette.
This season, so far, has focused much on Lady Mary. Her tragic loss and now new love interests are creating quite the roller coaster effect for her. Probably the best thing for her as well, keeping busy; she's been busy between the details of running Downton Abbey and the politics that are involved within the house and title. However, she is being stalked by an interested party who proposes marriage to her. A very difficult decision since she still is consumed by memories of her late husband. She fears that she made the wrong choice rejecting him. But, it won't be long until another suitor presents himself. She'll be just fine.

I think Lady Edith will be getting more attention (hopefully). She in unable to reject her feelings or the physical attraction toward the man she hopes to marry, and whom is promising her a future together. He's getting ready to leave for Germany where is is going to divorce his wife who is locked away in an institution (or so we think). He has Edith sign something before he leaves, which I hope doesn't come back at her later. However, the night they spent together is the last she's seen of him in a few months. She even comments to her mother that she has not received any word from him. When she tells her family that she is going into London for work, she is actually going to the doctors. Soon, I believe we will learn of her pregnancy.
Ms. Hughes confronts Edna of her deceptions |
Edna's crusade against Mr. Branson has, hopefully, seen it's last day. She took advantage of Tom's vulnerability during the house party, making sure he drank heavily, and then sneaked into his bedroom. Then again, he wasn't the only one taken advantage of sexually that night. I think if Edna had confided in the under-butler, Thomas, I'm sure he would have been much more apt with a plan that would have been more successful. Edna's no match for Ms. Hughes however, and so (let's hope) that Edna has seen the last of Downton Abbey, especially since this is her second failed attempt there.
Mr. & Mrs. Bates |
After suffering a brutal rape, Anna continues to deal with her emotions and her fear of Mr. Bates (her husband) finding out, killing the rapist and then loosing her husband to a hanging for murder. She confides in Ms. Bates, who expresses her opinion that she thinks Anna should tell her husband. In the mean time, because of her trauma, she is having difficulty with intimacy and can't seem to let her husband touch her. She thinks she is 'soiled' to him now. However, Mr. Bates over hears Anna talking to Ms. Hughes. He goes to Ms. Hughes to find out what has been troubling his wife and threatening their marriage. Now he knows, he knows that it was Mr. Green, but the women swear it was not him - in order to save his neck, knowing that he would go after him and kill him. But, Mr. Bates reassures his wife that he loves her still and they reconcile their marriage. But, Mr. Bates reassures Ms. Hughes that this is far from being over.
In the kitchen with Ms. Patmore and Daisy |
In the kitchen Ms. Patmore and Daisy are helping young Alfred to learn some techniques since he has applied for some prestigious training opportunity. It seems that Ms. Patmore is understanding of Daisy's dilemmas; Aflred has feelings for the other kitchen hand (Ivy), and Ivy isn't interested in Aflred, she has eyes for the other footman Jimmy (who I think is just out for a good time). However, Daisy has developed feelings for Alfred and she's reluctant to see him go. So when Alfred receives the rejection letter Daisy is happy that he will be staying at Downton Abbey - for now. I agree with Ms. Patmore - she mentioned to Daisy that sometimes we stay too long in a one-way love - meaning her feelings aren't being reciprocated.
What's Ahead...
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